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Suncoast Psychodrama Training offers CEU credits in the state of Florida

Continuing Education Units are approved for Florida LCSW, LMHC, LMFT        

(provider #50- 15456, Exp. 3/27). 


The American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy (ABE) will also credit psychodrama training hours for our workshops. 

CE Broker 24 hr reporting
Julie Wells LCSW, CP, TEP
Julie Wells LCSW, TEP

Continuing Education Director & Trainer

​Julie Wells is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 30+ years of experience in Human Services. She has a Private Practice in Clearwater and offers trainings for various Healthcare and Social Services organizations, the Tampa Bay area, Orlando and internationally.  


She is a Certified Practitioner and Trainer, Educator and Practitioner in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy.  She serves as Board of Director and past Vice President of ABE.  She was awarded ASGPP 2022 Fellowship and Julie was the ABE Newsletter Editor of ABE Special Edition 100th anniversary issue, May 2021.


For more information visit Julie Wells at:

Linda Condon LMHC, CP, TEP
Linda Condon LMHC, TEP

Continuing Education Trainer

Uneeda Brewer MSW, CEG, CP, TEP
Uneeda Brewer TEP

TEP Trainer

Uneeda is a positive psychology coach with more than 20+ years’ experience in corporate Human Resources and global talent management. She has coached leaders in Fortune 100 corporate settings, small business owners as well as therapists and creative artists.


She has a private life coaching practice in Clearwater, FL. She is a graduate of Coach U’s Core Essentials coach training program and a Board certified practitioner of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy. 

For more information visit Uneeda at:

Linda is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Certified Trainer, Educator and Practitioner of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy and Past President of ASGPP (American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama).  She has a private practice in Clearwater and is the author of THE WARM UP RING: KEYS FOR ENERGIZING YOUR GROUP. 


For more information call Linda at:

727-543-9128 or

Julie Wells Magic Door

Suncoast Psychodrama Training 26133 US Hwy 19 N # 306 Clearwater, FL 33763  Contact: Julie Wells LCSW, CP, TEP 727-688-5800 SW9966  © 2023 by Name of Site. Proudly created with

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