We offer a variety of professional training opportunities for CEUs in the Tampa Bay area as well as supervision and consultation to various agencies and individuals.
Together, we explore the power of action to move forward. Workshops are educational and experiential in nature.

In Person! Come connect, network & learn
Marge Porter Resource Center 6311 Sheldon Rd. Tampa, FL 33615*
$65 Ethics of Dual Relationships In Action includes 3 CEU's (Space Limited)
$45 Medical Errors includes 2 CEU's (Space Limited)
* In-Person 5 CE Units for Florida LCSW, LMHC, LMFT

Ethics of Dual Relationships
Friday 11/1/24
9am- Noon (3 CE Units)

Medical Errors in Action
Friday 11/1/24
1:30-3:30pm (2 CE Units)
Ethics of Dual Relationships
Non sexual dual relationships are not always harmful and sometimes can not be avoided especially in small communities. It can be confusing to determine which types of dual relationships are problematic and which ones aren't.
Join us for a psychodramatic exploration of the quandaries of these very current issues.
Behavioral Objectives for Ethics:
Upon completion attendees will be able to:
1. Understand ethical standards related to dual relationships.
2. Identify current pitfalls of dual relationship boundary violations.
3. Identify issues in self-care relating to burnout that leads to ethical dilemmas.
4. Have familiarity with the Code of Ethics (NASW,
5. Engage in sociodramatic enactment exploring relationship dilemmas.
Medical Errors in Action
This course is specifically designed to help mental health professionals create the work environment that they feel confident will protect themselves, their clients, and the public. We will address important questions for healthcare professionals. What are the best practices that we can set up to prevent medical errors? How do we evaluate errors to make sure they don't happen again? What do we need to be able to prevent medical errors? Let's learn from each other in this live interactive workshop that will be fun and educational.
Medical Errors Objectives:
1. Explain the scope and definition of the medical errors problem
2. Define and discuss sentinel events as they pertain to medical errors
3. Define and apply Root Cause Analysis for prevention of future medical errors
4. Recognize the different types of potential medical errors
5. Apply the course knowledge to case studies
Julie Wells LCSW, CP, TEP is CE Director of Suncoast Psychodrama Training
Susan Mullins LMHC, CP, TEP, CED & Sandra Seeger LMHC, CP, TEP
are Co-Founders & Directors of South Tampa Psychodrama Training